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First World War Newspaper History

02 September 1914

Official communiques issuing from various sources yesterday convey the following intelligence as to the progress of the war:

A list of casualties, issued from the headquarters of the Expeditionary Force, has- been published. It refers to one cavalry brigade and to three divisions, less one brigade. It includes: Officers: 36 killed, 57 wounded, and 95 missing; total, 188. Other ranks: 127 killed, 629 wounded, and 4,183 missing; total, 4,939.

It is remarked that, as regards other ranks, a considerable number of the missing are wounded men, sent down country, of whom particulars were not available. The missing are those not accounted for, and may include unwounded prisoners.

From Paris yesterday morning was issued a general statement as to the position on the western line of battle.

Of this statement the most important passages are those which state that in the St. Quentin district, on the Allies' left wing, a battle had been proceeding for three days against the best German troops, and that the Allies had been compelled "to give ground," though "nowhere had they been really broken through," despite some indisputable checks. A series of circumstances which favoured the Germans is mentioned as the reason for giving ground.

Notwithstanding considerable losses, wbich are being made good, the moral of the troops, it is reported, is excellent.

As to the front in the Vosges and Lorraine, the French troops, after partial checks, are taking the offensive and the enemy has retired. In the centre alternating checks and successes are recorded. A general action was proceeding in the zone between the Meuse and Rethel.

It is officially announced in Antwerp that the situation throughout the country is stationary. Malines was bombarded for an hour, although not occupied by Belgian troops.

An additional list of casualties incurred in the naval action in the Heligoland Bight includes the names of three men killed and nine wounded. All belonged to Chatham.

The Prince of Wales's National Relief Fund yesterday afternoon reached the total of £1,979,000.