Affiliate Links

Modulator-ESP My friend, Jez Creek's electronic Music website.

Mark Tamea My friend, Mark Tamea's electronic Music website. Read the Landschaft Reviews written about Mark's two albums Buried Traktora and Energy does Matter.

Respected Artists Links

The artists in this section are all of my favourites and have to a greater or lesser extent influenced Landschaft over the years, waxing and waning in my favour but always exerting their subtle pull.

Cosi Fanni Tutti

Chris Carter

Chris and Cosey

Carter Tutti

Zoviet FranceHigh priests of dronology - still going strong 40 plus years on. Nobody else can make monotony sound so interesting.

Section 25 Profound, zen. Spare and haunting. A lot of previously unavailable material now available on LTM Recordings

Klaus Wiese RIP Klause Weise 18 Jan 1942 - 27 Jan 2009. A once-member of Popol Vuh, moving on to exotic and eastern instrumentation; meditational music. His web presence is fading; a number of the links on his surviving (as at May 2020) website hit dead-ends, so here is a list of his Klaus Wiese recordings prolofic output to mark his lifetime of achievement, and my thoughts on it as I find and listen to his work.

Throbbing Gristle, what more can I say. The ultimate challengers of orthodoxy. TG Official Site RIP Genesis P-Orridge 22 Feb 1950 - 14 Mar 2020.


Future Sound of London For me, their music is defined by the space they create; huge sonic caverns. Papua New Guinea (Satoshi Tomie 12" mix) the pinnacle of Electronica. Wikipaedia carries a full history including the many offshoot projects.

The Hafler Trio, aka Andrew McKenzie, ever the mystery, has diverted from his overt Hafler Trio identity to a ...erm... dispersed identity for want of a better description at Simply Superior, which at face value is a counselling service. Drill deeper and all is not as it seems. I won't spoil the excitement. Go there and discover McKenzie's cryptic message and the truely mind boggling maze of links..

All roads lead to and exit from Can

Roedelius A big Landscaft influence. Understated, homespun electonic wonderfulness. Check out Selbstportrait Vol II. In an absolute stroke of luck I found mint copies of "Cluster" (Philips, 1971) and Cluster II (Brain 1972) in a charity shop many years ago - both almost impossible to acquire now.

KraftwerkRIP Florian Schneider(7 April 1947 – 21 April 2020)

Turntablist, sample jockey, obscurist. Class act. Find most back catalogue on Bandcamp. Vinyl hard to find, collectable.

A Certain Ratio Quirky and unpredictable before they got funky and learned to play their instruments. Mute have re-issed a lot of back catalogue, but I'll stick with my Factory Origs.

The Durutti Column Early DC are very special to me - Vini fulfilled that rare achievement; music that is both dark and uplifting at the same time. I remember buying the infamous sandpaper sleeve edition of "Return of the Durutti Column", a Tony Wilson reference to a Situationist Guy Debord work, a sandpaper cover book. Members of A Certain Ratio and Joy Division made the sleeve so legend has it, with Ian Curtis doing the glueing. I keep the sleeve separately in a sealed plastic cover to preserve the record and stop the sand dropping off. There is a DC page at cerysmatic.factory where there is a discography, interviews and resources. Also, at the indispensible LTM Recordings there is a biography DC at LTM and many reissues for sale.

Scanner Essential listening for drone-ists, field and found sound recording junkies and obscurists. Does a lot of live performance modern dance soundscapes these days. His sparky website is a testament to Scanner's absence of snobbishness.

Steve Reich Grandpappy of ambient and modern experimental music

Cabaret Voltaire An early influence - I was at the "Pressure Company" gig in Sheffield; Solidarity support gig, where the live album was recorded.

Wim Mertens

Eyeless in Gaza

Susumo Yokota

Stars of the Lid

Clock DVA

Terje Rypdal

Respected Labels Links

Dark Winter is a small independent virtual label strictly dedicated to dark ambient music; home to some of my friends Formication's work. It has a very selective admission policy so whatever you find there is on-topic and of high quality, and the MP3s are available as free 192 mbps downloads under creative commons license terms. A nice tight site.

Deep ListeningHome of the music of Pauline Oliveros and collaborators - see also Pauline Oliveros Foundation




Klang Galerie






Skintone Susumu Yokota's own label

Industrial Records

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Sitepoint Online publisher of lots of very useful web design tips and tuts. Particularly good for CSS.

Easy RGB Indispensible site specialising in display and web colour. Contains tools for online colour scheme matching, creation etc.

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