About Landschaft

Landschaft, formed in 2003 is Alan Walker, based in Nottingham, England and cyberspace.

And is a mood I've nurtured from the early 80s. My early drone work "Ghost Images of Forgotten Skyscrapers", which surfaced briefly in a 1985 event, "Fabricarta Illuminata" in the Nottingham Midland Group Gallery, then shelved for nearly 20 years was the spiritual start of Landschaft "Ghost Images..." was a nod in the direction of the 1983 early Zoviet France LP "Mohnomishe" and Industrial Records era Throbbing Gristle.

Landschaft was stired into being by a long out of print book, Chronicles of Lake Narocz (1939) by Polish author Mieczyslaw Lisiewicz, an elegaic autobiography/travelogue set in what is now the Republic of Belarus, which was then, greater Poland. The author finds himself wandering through renewing forests and shattered emplacements; then recent remnants of the WWI Battle of Lake Naroch (1916). I also have in my collections, a number of between-the-wars European photo-travelogues. I quote fragments of these in the graphic component of Landschaft tapping into forgotten borders and the lost memory of the landscape.

My footfall

shaking raindrops from flowers

passes by

and is forgotten.

I received, in July 2006, an email from Mieczyslaw Lisiewicz' daughter and was touched by her respose to this website and my recognition of her father's work. I have now published in full the whole Chronicals of Lake Narocz book on this website - see History: Chronicals of Lake Narocz