Mediolanum: detailed background notes to the compositions

landschaft 022

Available to listen to and buy at Bandcamp

Release date: 01 October 2021

Format: digital download. Artwork and typography by Landschaft.

The work explained

This album is quite a depature from my previous styles. I haven't written a drum part since the 1990s! It is my translation of Celtic land patterns achieved through the medium of what could be described as ambient math funk. There are complex polyrythms, geometric rhythms; periodic patterns of meter described around a circle, where the 'pivot' is at the centre - that are both regularly and irregularly distributed. These nodes act as triggers for drum and instrumentation. The result is most pleasing to the ear and I intend exporing this process further.

While writing the pieces that comprise this collection, I recalled a recent read, Graham Robb's persuasive 'The Ancient Paths' , Picador, 2013 (ISBN 978-0-330-53150-4 HB). His exposition on the geometric relationship between Celtic sites across Europe suggested a connection between his concept and the mathematical techniques of my musical constructs and the Landschaft theme of landscape. Mediolanum 'middle of the plain'. Whitchurch, the English Mediolanum stands on the meridian that runs the length of Britain and... [read Robb's book for more.] These pieces reflect the lines of radiance from that Delphic centre defined by solstice and Pythagorean geometric systems etched into landscape and time.